Signs you need to review and upgrade your ERP installation

July 18, 2024 by
Smart Information Technologies Limited, Oana Dan

The business landscape is more competitive than ever and part of keeping ahead of your competition is having access to the best tools and systems. This year, you might be seeing signs you need to review and upgrade your ERP installation. So, today, we’ll review some common indicators and how you can prepare yourself for any necessary updates.

Reasons to upgrade your ERP

1. It’s not going to be supported anymore.

If you’ve received a notice that your ERP vendor is cutting support, it’s time to look at other options. The vendor could be replacing the software with a new solution, or they may have been bought out by a bigger player that doesn’t plan to continue development on your solution. Even if everything seems to be working fine, you don’t want to risk running without adequate support on the system that supports your entire business.

2. It is not cloud-based.

Cloud-based ERP software like Odoo is more versatile, secure, and user-friendly. If something happens to your local server, that could take your own operation down unless you’re cloud based. Plus, SaaS is more flexible, allowing you to scale up and down in response to business demands. And, with automatic updates, it’s never out of date and at risk of known cyber threats.

3. It doesn’t talk to your other systems.

Older ERPs were lacking in functionality and supported integrations. Maybe your initial ERP rollout didn’t include your CRM or accounting functions. Perhaps it’s ignoring a huge set of data from a new product line or office? If you don’t have a single point of view through your ERP, it’s time to upgrade.

4. It’s not fit for purpose anymore.

If your team has shoehorned in a solution that’s not customised to your business, you’re not getting the full benefits of an ERP system. A working environment full of workarounds, legacy plugins or manual processes isn’t what ERPs are designed for. So, if there are a lot of those, consider upgrading to a newer solution where everything is scoped to your needs perfectly.

5. You’ve outgrown it.

If you bought an out-of-the-box configuration with a flat set of licences and you’re outgrowing it, there might be a reason to upgrade. Maybe you’re just doing way more transactions now and the processing power isn’t up to scratch. If this sounds familiar, get in touch with our helpful team for support with an upgrade.

6. There’s no one at the end of the phone line.

If you are reaching out for support and there’s never any one knowledgeable there to help you, that’s a good reason to upgrade as well. When you’re processing sensitive data, you need to know you can get rapid response support when you need it. And what about onboarding new hires? This shouldn’t be left to existing members of your team. Look for an ERP implementation partner with a training academy to assist you.

7. No industry customisations.

ERP software vendors should be able to offer you advice based on the best practices in the industry. If they can’t keep up with changing industry regulations, you might want to consider a reliable, cloud-based solution. When you upgrade your ERP system, you can ensure that you get the most accurate information because you know your vendor is an expert in the industry.

8. You have international branches.

For a lot of ERP vendors, supporting the same version across borders is a challenge. This means one part of your company will have better features and access while another is left in the stone age. Plus, many versions may not even talk to each other, defeating the purpose of an ERP.

If a lot of this is hitting home, we can help you do an audit and plan a fresh ERP rollout. Reach out to our supportive team today.




Smart Information Technologies Limited, Oana Dan July 18, 2024
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